Back to Work as a Cna After C Section

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How soon to return to work.

How soon did anyone go back to work. I'm thinking of trying to go back after 2 weeks. I work for my local school district and with so not really working can't afford a lot of time off.


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You aren't allowed to go back into the doctor clears you, at least that is how it is at my work.  With a C-section you are looking at more time than a natural birth.


I went back after 2 weeks. I recommend waiting longer IF you can, in my case I couldn't wait any longer as I was already working remotely from my cellphone while my baby was in NICU. If you return to work be sure to take it easy with physical labor, limit your lifting, and rest when possible.

I've had a c section before b so it's nothing new to me. Most of the time I sit at a desk with a child helping him do assignments and staying on task. it's not a very demanding job being a teaching assistant

I wanted to go back at 2 weeks and honestly I could have BUT my problem was that our daycare would not take baby until she was 6 weeks old. Looking back though I'm glad I didn't do that because I was so exhausted. Like literally sleepy. I healed great, never had any pain, was off pain meds 2 days later and never had any issues.

My doctor wouldn't let me go back no earlier than 8 weeks.

I had planned on only taking 6 weeks - and ended up taking 8 after emergency c-section. I'm so glad I took longer. Recovery was definitely harder than I expected.

I went back 4 weeks pp, but i healed fast everyone says I'm like a super human lol

I went back after 8 weeks. At 2 Weeks pp I couldn't even get out of bed or chair by myself

You probably won't even be allowed to drive at the 2 weeks mark. I plan to take 12 weeks with this section.

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Back to Work as a Cna After C Section


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